Research Publication(in national and international journal/ Seminar) Paper publication:-
1: P. Karmakar and S.P.Biswas: Length –Weight relationship and condition factor of Tetraodon cutcutia (Ham) from Neematighat , Assam (India). American International Journal of Research in Formal , Applied and National Science (2014)(AIJRFANS). P-143-146. ISSN-2328-3785.
2. : P. Karmakar and S.P.Biswas: Study on the Water Quality Parameters of Meleng River in Jorhat District, Assam .Interdisciplinary Approach to Biological Science Research and Sustainable Development. Proceeding. ISBN: 978-93-83230-03-7,p-141-149.(2014)
3 P. Karmakar and S.P.Biswas: Reproductive Biology of Tetraodon cutcutia (Pisces: Tetraodontidae) from Meleng River in Jorhat District, Assam. The International Journal of Science and Technology. ISSN: 2321-919x(2014)Vol.2(7).
4. P. Karmakar and S.P.Biswas: On certain aspects of Feeding Biology of Puffer Fish Tetraodon cutcutia (Tetraodontidae) From Jorhat District, Assam. Journal of Global Biosciences. P-2067-2071. Issn-2320-1355(2015) vol-4(4).
5. P. Karmakar and S.P.Biswas: Water Quality of Meleng River in Jorhat District, assam. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Vol. 03(08) (2016).
6. P. Karmakar and S.P.Biswas: Spawning Behaviour of the Puffer Fish, Leiodon cutcutia (Hamilton) From Meleng River, Jorhat District, Assam. Biosciences Discovery (Research Journal of Life Sciences).
7. Panchali Karmakar and S.P.Biswas (2022): Morphological study Of Leiodon cutcutia (Hamilton 1822) from Meleng River, a Tributary of the Brahmaputra, Horizons In Fish Research Journal, Arunachal University. ISBN- 9789388854863. 125-137pp.
Seminar/workshop attended:-
1: International Conference On Global Ecosystems, Biodiversity and Environmental Sustainability in the 21st Century (ICGEBEnS-2012) , organized by Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Assam University, Silchar. Assam, India.
2: UGC- Sponsored National Seminar On Biodiversity of the North-East with special Reference to the Brahmaputra Vally. Majuli College, Kamalabari. District Jorhat (Assam)
3: UGC- Sponsored National Seminar On Research in Biological Sciences for Sustainable Development with the Application of Mathematics and Allied Branches. Organized by Department of Botany, Mthematics and Computer Science, Bahona College, Jorhat. In collaboration with Assam Science Society, Bahona Branch.
4: International Seminar on Bioresources and Human Sustenance, organized by- Department of Zoology, Cotton College and Zoological Society of Assam (ZSA)(2011)
5: Environmental Degradation and its effects in India with special reference to North East Region (As a reportear) (2017). National Seminer.
FDP/ Webinar/seminar/Workshop:-
1. FDP- 1st to 6th July 2019, on Use of ICT Tools for Classroom Teaching. From Electronics & ICT Academy Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati An Initiative of Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India. In JKM.
2. Webinar on 22 June 2020- Reflection on Folk Culture Amid Uncertain Times. Organized by IQAC, R G Baruah College, Guwahati.
3. National Webinar- On 27th June, 2020, Online Education in Higher Education: Challenges and Prospects Organised by Teachers’ Unit, Kakojan College, Jorhat, Assam In collaboration with Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Kakojan College, Jorhat, Assam Certificate of Participation.
4. National Webinar- on 12 September 2020, Post-Pandemic Challenges and Higher Educational Institutions, Organised by the IQAC, Nowgong Girls College, in collaboration with AIKIDO Society, Pathsala, Assam, on the occasion of 59th College Foundation Day.
5. FDP- 21 to 27 April, 2021, Mentoring Pedagogy and Teaching for Higher Education. From Electronics & ICT Academy Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati An Initiative of Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India.
6. FDP- 24th to 29th May 2021, MIS, DATA Analysics and ICT Based Teaching, organized by Incubation Innovation Centre and IQCA, JKM in collaboration with Skilling India, Bangaluru, India.
7. National Webinar 2nd June 2021 on “DBT Star College Scheme: Its Importance For Improving Science Teaching In Undergraduate Colleges” Organized by Department of Zoology, Gauhati University, Zoological Society of Assam and Nowgong College (Autonomous).
8. International Webinar on 4th June 2021 on “Nanobiotechnology and it’s Medicinal applications” organised by IQAC, B N College, Dhubri, Assam, in collaboration with Department of Zoology, Gauhati University & Zoological Society of Assam (ZSA).
9. National Seminar and Workshop on 24th to 26 June, 2021, (Online) On “ Significance Of Soft Skills and Life Skills and its Pertinence in Carrier Development” organized by Incubation Innovation Centre and IQCA, Humanities and Community College, JKM, in association with S.S.P. Mandal’s C.T. Bora College, Shirur, Dist-Pune, and SkillinIndia, Bangalore, (An IIT, IIM Alumini Venture).
10. International Webinar on 26th June, 2021, Exploring the 3D Architecture of the C. elegans Interphase genome and its Functional Consecuences. Organised by Department of Zoology, Gauhati University & Zoological Society of Assam (ZSA).
11. National Webinar on 28th June 2021 on “Drosophila as a Model for Class room Studies” Organised By the Department of Zoology, Jagiroad College in collaboration with IQAC, under DBT Star College Scheme, GOI.
12. National WEBINAR on 30th July 2021 on “Biofloc Technology: An Emerging Ecological Tool in Aquaculture” organized by Post Graduate Department of Zoology in association with IQAC, Alumni Association and ZSA Unit, Nowgong College (Autonomous), Nagaon-782001, Assam.
13. National Workshop from 27th July to 1st August 2021, A familiarisation Workshop On “Remote Access To Lab: Lab On A Screen, Organised by JKM under the aegis of Incubation Innovation Centre and IQCA, Depart of Zoology, Botany, Chemistry and Physics, JKM in association with Department of Physics, Jorhat Engineering College, Jorhat, Department of Electronics, University of Jammu, Jammu and Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh.
14. Webinar and Workshop on “Integrated Genomics and Proteomics Approach for Cancer Research.” Organized by Tata Memorial Center, ACTREC, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, 4th December 2021.
15. One day national webinar: On “Wetland Conservation” organized by the Discovery Publishing House, on 2nd Feb 2022. Ansari Road, Daryagaon, New Delhi.
16. FDP: 14th-19th February 2022: “ Mentoring for Institutional Social Responsibility and facilitation for Community Engagement”. Organised by Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education. Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, Hyderabad. Sponsored by Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on teachers and Teaching.
17. FDP: 21st-26th March 2022: Avinashilongam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women. UGC Stride and Sponsored Training Programm. “ Environmental Sustainability and Research Ethics”. Organized by School of Biosciences. Coimbatore. Tamil Nadu, India.
18. 19th March 2022: “ International Webinar cum Interactive Session on Opportunities to Pressure Scientific Research in European Countries”-organized by the department of Zoology, Jaganath Barooah College (Autonomus), Jorhat.
19. National Webinar cum Workshop On: Importance of Intelectual Property Right in Academic and Patent Prosecusion Strategies, Organised by Research Cell in association with IQAC, Jengraimukh College, Majuli. 26th April 2022.
20. National Seminar and Students Research Conclave on Issues and Challenges of Environment Safety For Sustainable Development. Organized by IQAC, IIC-JKM, Community and Science and Technology Forum. Jorhat Kendriya Mahavidyalaya. In Association with Chitkara University, Punjab, Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat and CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat. 5th -7th June 2022.
1: Modern Advances in Rearing and Spinning Techniques in Sericulture Research. Department of Zoology, Bahona College, Bahona, Jorhat.(2011). In collaboration with: District Sericulture Office, Jorhat, Assam.
2: UGC- Sponsored Nationl Workshop on Recent Trends in Nanoscience and Technology (Retant 2011) organised by , Department of Chemistry and Physics. Bahona College, Jorhat, Assam.
3: Stratagy for harnessing fish production potentialities in flood affected areas of Assam. Assam Agricultural University.(2012).
1: “Use of ICT Tools for Classroom Teaching” FDP in Jorhat Kendriya Mahavidyalaya(2019).